Dakahlia MB Dies In Security Crackdown

Dakahlia MB Dies In Security Crackdown

A Muslim Brotherhood member was paid last respects on Saturday afternoon after he died during an Egyptian security sweep in his village
Atef Al Sayed Tantawi is a Muslim Brotherhood member from the village of Meniyat Sendob , governorate of Dakahlia, north of Cairo .
Ikhwanweb sources reported that Atef died last Thursday while the security forces were chasing him.
He died of an acute heart failure when he was attempting to flee the security truck which was parked in front of a hideout in which he has been recently living; Atef went to Nour Al-Rahman mosque where he had an acute heart failure, leading to his death.
Atef- May Allah have mercy on him- was wanted, along with five other MB members, by the security forces, following a tip from a person called Samaha Awad because the latter quarreled with one of the village”s MB members, Ali Mohamed Hisham, a senior teacher at Taha Hussein school in Sendob; he was ambushed and arrested but the prosecution ordered him released, but the state security issued an arrest warrant and deported him to Burj Al-Arab prison.
-Dr. Al Sayed Mohamed Al Nagar – Medical Analysis consultant at Mansoura main blood bank; he faced the same measures against Ali Hisham and was sent to Wadi Al-Natrun prison.
-Dr. Ahmed Hosni Al Shirbini, a pharmacist.
-Bakr Fawzi Faris, chief of the pharmacists club at Mansoura
-Ehab Nasser, Arabic teacher
Atef Al Sayed Tantawi was born in Menyat Sendob in 1967 and he was building minarets and mosques; the village residents were calling him the man of mosques because he built several mosques in the village, ncluding Al Metwalli mosque, Malek Al-Mulk mosque, the mosque of Menyat Sendob farm; he was well known for his charitable activities; he was also a Municipal member in 1998.
He has four children:

Fatma: Second year in Azhar secondary school,
Zahraa: A sixth primary year student
Hassan Al Banna Atef: a fourth primary school student
Assem: 5 years .