Dakahlia Police Drowns Young Man in The Nile River

Several policemen mercilessly beat Ezzat Bashandi Abou Ali (30 years), pushing him in the Nile river and watched him struggling in the water till he died without doing anything to rescue him.
According to the Egyptian Al Wafd newspaper, eyewitnesses confirmed that several policemen from Aga, Dakahlia, north of Cairo, violated their duties and inhumanely beat the young man who was screaming help and calling the policemen to rescue him from drowning because he can’t swim. Evidently, his plight for help was not answered, and the young man was let to die. 

This police campaign was actually aiming at arresting a drug dealer in a hideout in the eastern bank of the Nile river in front of the village of Meet Demsis, Aga, Dakahlia. During the police pursuit of the drug dealer, three bystanders from the village who just happened to be at the scene, fled for fear of the police detectives. Ezzat Bashandi Abou Ali (30 years), one of three young men, threw himself in the Nile for fear of the police agents. After the drug dealer was arrested, police in a fishing boat to chased Abou Ali down the river; when they reached him, he was struggling in water because he couldn’t swim and instead of trying to rescue him and investigate why he was near the drug dealing site, a policeman in the fishing boat hit him on the head with the boat oar, leading immediately to his drowning.
Residents of the village staged a protest demanding a retaliation for the death of the young man by the police forces which left the area without any feeling of responsibility after killing an innocent young man, while the residents continued searching for the drowned body in the Nile.
Residents reported the incident to Gharbiya security department. Gharbiya police leaders arrive in the scene to urge the residents be calm, till the body of the drowned young man was found and was sent to El-Mahalla El-Kubra hospital morgue. The forensic pathologist was ordered to conduct an autopsy to determin the cause of the death. 

During the investigation, eyewitnesses confirmed that they tried to rescue the young man before drowning but police forces prevented them and threatened them with similar fate. 

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