- FJP News
- February 2, 2012
- 3 minutes read
Dr. Ahmed Diab: Freedom and Justice Party Keen on Parliamentary Committees Consensus; Crisis Within Other Parties
Dr. Ahmed Diab, a member of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) Executive Office and the Deputy of the Egyptian People’s Assembly (PA) Education Committee, stressed that the party made repeated, long-suffering attempts with the other parties in the parliament, except for parties affiliated with the remnants of the dissolved National party, to achieve a broad consensus that would include everyone, on the formation of the Egyptian parliament committees, but the other parties kept backing down on agreements, and changing their confirmed positions.
The Egyptian parliament formed, through elections, PA committees with representation of the parties: FJP, Al-Nour, Reform and Development, Karama, Construction and Development and Hadara (Civilization).
The Wafd party and certain other parties withdrew from the election race.
Dr. Diab told the Ikhwanweb, "The FJP persisted in its position and view that everyone should participate in the management of the PA. We offered very flexible perceptions. We settled on a configuration that satisfied everyone. However, it seems that there are things within the other parties that impede these agreements, with them changing their mind from one minute to the next ".
Dr. Diab continued, "The crisis is on the other side, although we were very keen on the participation of everyone on the bases of merit, experience, and relative weight in parliament. Left-wing parties, like Karama, successful to get seats in the Committee offices next to Al-Nour, Reform and Development and Hadara parties, and the independents".