Dr. Habib: “Reuters” Misrepresented My Statements on the Inheritance Project

Dr. Habib: “Reuters” Misrepresented My Statements on the Inheritance Project

Dr. Mohamed Habib (Deputy Chairman of Muslim Brotherhood) denied what had been published by Reuters in his name and short handing the MB’s stance about nominating Gamal Mubarak for the position of President of the Policy Committee and Secretary Assistant of NDP in the ruling party, for the next presidential elections in a way that is totally contrary to the truth.


In an exclusive statement to Ikhwanweb, Habib stressed that the news agency has reduced the interview they had with him, especially in the paragraph which states that MB did not oppose Gamal Mubarak’s striving for the position of President of the Republic if his nomination would come with reforms such as ending the state of emergency, allowing back civil freedoms and holding free and fair elections which are conditions that are unlikely to be met by in Egypt.



He stressed that MB members totally refuse the nomination of Gamal Mubarak’s succession of his father and they have mentioned that many times, pointing out that this is incompatible with the dignity and reputation of Egypt, in addition to its collision with the aspirations of the Egyptian people in establishing a real democracy based on political pluralism and peaceful rotation of power, that the nation is the source of authorities and people have the inalienable right to choose their rulers, deputies and platforms which reflects them, their aspirations and ambitions.



He pointed out that Gamal Mubarak is seeking to implement an unacceptable American agenda which is incompatible with our economic, social and political situation and would only lead to further tensions and rage as is demonstrated in the emergence of thousands of social protests over the two past years.


“Gamal Mubarak wants to come with an arsenal of exceptional procedures and abnormal measures rejected by most of the Egyptian people such as violating the law and Constitution, in addition to the reliance on security agencies in repressing all opposition factions and falsifying the will of the nation in referendums and parliamentary elections” Habib added.


Habib wondered; How would MB members agree on the nomination of Gamal Mubarak when they are chased and pursued by the system and its ruling party, in addition to fabricating charges and cases against them, arresting thousands of them, referring their leaders to Military Courts and preventing them completely from participating in parliamentary elections, as happened in 2007 in the mid-term renewal elections of Shura Council and also in the local elections of 2008.


Habib stressed that nor Gamal Mubarak neither his party have any real intention for reform, and that all practices indicate the monopolisation of power and governance which led to the crisis of governance reflected in despotism and corruption as well as failing to deal with life problems faced by Egyptian citizens.


He emphasized that Gamal and his party are not willing to eliminate the restrictions imposed in the “constitutional amendments of Article 34 therein” to make it possible for all Egyptian citizens to be nominated for the presidency of the republic and for the return of full judicial supervision over elections, releasing public freedoms, ending the state of emergency, abolishing Exceptional Courts and laws as well as Article 179 which subjected the entire nation to suspension.


Dr. Habib asked: Could it be possible that Gamal Mubarak stays away from his father’s authority and the great unlimited powers he has to become an ordinary person like all citizens? If that happened then there is nothing that would prevent his nomination and election like all other Egyptian citizens for the presidential elections, but I completely doubt that.