- InterviewsPalestine
- May 31, 2009
- 3 minutes read
Dr. Morsy warns against Zionist illusions
Dr. Mohamed Morsy called for not trusting the US role in supporting the Palestinian cause. Morsy, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood”s Executive Office, cited results of the Thursday meeting between the Palestinian Authority President Abu Mazen and US President Oubama in the US capital as both parties ending the meeting with merely US promises the peace with maintaining Palestinian-Zionist talks.
Dr. Morsy linked between results of this meeting- held days after a similar meeting between US President Obama and Zionist PM Netanyahu- and the unjust ruling issued by a US court against activists and officials of the Holy Land Foundation who were sentenced to up to 65 years in prison on charge of funding Hamas. This is in spite of the fact that Hamas is the real legitimate representative of the Palestinian people who voted for it in ballot boxes in front of the whole world.
This confirms- Morsy sees- that the US administration- along with many other Western governments are still adopting double standards while they give a blind eye to Zionist massacres and the crushing humanitarian blockade on Gaza Strip. Morsy accused such governments of even backing such a blockade, starvation and genocide committed against unarmed Palestinian people in Gaza, while the US administration is only asking the Zionist entity to stop settlement building in the West Bank and while it talks about supporting freedoms, democracy, human rights and peoples choice, it refuses the Palestinian people choice and even punish these people for this choice and incriminate any one backing this choice or backing resistance against Zionists usurpers.
Dr. Morsy called on the Palestinian resistance not to trust such meetings to solve their cause and that only the resistance will force the Zionist occupation to accept their their demands and their right in Palestine lands from the sea to the river.
Dr. Morsy also advised PA officials that it is useless to follow such illusions of peace that have achieved nothing on the ground, and they have even given the Zionists the chance to build more settlements and Separation Barrier and denied the Palestinians many attempts to close ranks and achieve unity among all factions to fight the Zionists who are seizing Arab and Muslim land of Palestine.
Morsy called on the resisters to maintain their course till they attain either victory or martyrdom for the sake of Allah and their cause.