Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and ruling military: Deal or no deal?

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and ruling military: Deal or no deal?

 Since March of this year, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) appeared to have had a behind-the-scenes deal, agreement or accommodation, from which both sides would benefit. That, at least, has been the conclusi

Some argue that a SCAF/MB agreement is still in place, while others argue that whatever deal they might have had has been called off lately, due to sharp disagreements between the two. Leading Brotherhood figures, however, vehemently deny ever having had an agreement with SCAF.
“There has never been a deal between us and SCAF,” Mohamed Saad El-Katatni, vice-president of the Freedom and Justice Party, told Tahrir TV. “The party and the group [Muslim Brotherhood] make their political decisions pursuant to internal discussions and conventions.”