- DemocracyMB News
- January 17, 2011
- 4 minutes read
Egypt’s People’s Parliament Announces 16 MB Names as Members

During a press conference held at the Al-Wafd party’s headquarters on Sunday, the Coordinating Committee of the People’s Parliament announced its founding statement and the initial list of members as well as the opening session to be held on January 23, Ahmed Abu Baraka, former member of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) parliamentary bloc said.
16 The Muslim Brotherhood names are: Hussein Ibrahim, Mohammed Beltagui, Sobhi Saleh, Ahmed Diab, Ahmed Abu Baraka, Hazem Farouk, Adel Hamid, Farid Ismail, Ashraf Badr al-Din, Mohamed Gamal Heshmat, Mukhtar Nuh, Jamal Hanafi, Mohsen Radi, Yousri Bayoumi, Manal Abu Al-Hasan and Azza Al-Gorf.
Alaa Abd El-Moneim; Mohamed Mustafa Shourdy, Salah al-Sayegh, Sabir Ata, Imran Mujahid and Muhammad El-Omda are from the liberal Wafd part and Saad Abboud and Hamdeen Sabahi from Al-Karama and Essam Sultan and Tariq al-Malt from Al-Wasat, and Ibrahim Nawar, Sakina Fouad and Dr. Osama Ghazali Harb from the Democratic Front Party and Gamila Ismail and Wael Nawara are from Al-Ghad party..
Some public figures were chosen in the Peoples’ Parliament, namely Dr. Yahya Al-Jamal, Dr. Abul Ezz Al Hariri, Dr. Ayman Nour, Judge Mahmoud al. Khodairy, Dr. Abdullah Al-Ashaal, Dr. Atef Al-Banna and Dr. Abdel Halim Kandil from Kefaya Movement, Dr. Abdul Jalil Mustafa from National Front and Dr. Mohamed Abul-Ghar from the 9 March group for the independence of Egyptian universities
Dr. Mohammed Beltagui, a member of the Coordinating Committee of the People’s Parliament and senior Muslim Brotherhood figure, has ascertained that names have been chosen and agreed upon in a balanced way, representing broad sectors of the right and left.
In his statement, Al-Beltagui denied that the Brotherhood’s leading role has been minimized or that they stipulated a certain number, indicating that the group is keen to be involved with others and to make this Parliament a platform for all, defending the people’s interests..
Al-Beltagui stressed that the Constitution of Egypt and international covenants give the right to found the People’s Parliament by which Egyptians can express their opinions and organize demonstrations freely after nationalizing the newly-elected parliament, whose members were appointed by security services and no attention was paid to people’s demands and interests.