- September 17, 2006
- 1 minute read
Egypt: Court Orders Release of 9 MB Senior Members

Cairo Criminal Court on Sunday September 17, 2006, ordered the release of 3 Muslim Brotherhood senior members in what the government named the “Political Bureau Case” with two defendants are still in custody, including MB Executive Bureau Member Dr. Mohamed Morsy and former MP Dr. Essam Al-Eryan.
The court also ordered the release of another four Brothers in what is known as “the Chamber of Commerce Case”, and two were released in a case under the name of “the Charity Committee”.
Muslim Brotherhood’s lawyer Abdul Monem Abdul Maksoud commented on this court order by saying that the ruling was expected, citing the falsity of the charges leveled to the MB members, and calling on the authorities to release the rest of political detainees especially that they weren’t convicted of any charges.