- Parliament News
- October 24, 2006
- 6 minutes read
Egypt: MB Bloc Warns Of Human Rights Violations By Police
Spokesman of the Parliamentary Bloc Dr. Hamdy Hassan criticized the Parliament for its failure to bring to justice those implicated in the case of Bani Mazar massacre, now that the Egyptian judiciary has confirmed tortures and hair raising acts perpetrated by police agencies to coerce a citizen to confess crimes he didn’t commit.
The MB spokesman quoted part of the court reports in which it accused the deputy Minister of Interior as well as high ranking officers of torturing a defendant and his father and brother for several days, besides sexual assaults committed against the defendant’s mother and sisters to force them to confess involvement in the massacre. The court ruling also ruled out the charges against the defendant, saying that it is impossible for the defendant to kill ten persons and select specific organs of their bodies in two and a half hours.
The MB member of parliament also quoted part of the Egyptian Constitution which read that the dignity of both the individual and the nation is inseparable, regarding the individual as the mainstay for the nation’s development, power and prestige ”. Dr. Hassan lamented that what happened with the Bani Mazar defendants is divorced from principles and ethics enshrined in the constitution which provides that the “ sovereignty of law not only secures the freedom of individuals but it is the only prerequisite to recognize the legitimacy of any authority.
The MB deputy also lamented that the case of Beni Mazar is not the only one where human rights have been violated, citing another incident when a woman was tortured until she was coerced to confess the killing of her husband. He also said that such violations are only the tip of the iceberg , lamenting the absence of genuine mechanisms through which people can obtain and maintain their rights.
Hassan also lashed out at the regime for the thousands of detainees who have obtained so many rulings of acquittal while they are still kept in prison, regarding this as a sign that the regime does not respect the judiciary rulings, which could open the door wide for controversy and a chaos within society . He concluded by quoting the third article of the constitution which provides that “ the people are the source of power and so they must be given the right to exercise and protect it “.
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