- MB in International press
- February 16, 2010
- 3 minutes read
Egypt: Sufi leaders speak out against MB leaders detention

CAIRO: A number of Sufi leaders have condemned the “high-handedness” of Egypt’s crackdown and arrest of three high-ranking Muslim Brotherhood leaders last week. They accused the ruling government of adopting “double standards” over such issues. They argued that “it seems that the ruling regime is at a loss whether they are either banned or not banned referring to the 88 seats acquired by the MB members in Parliament.”
Sheik Mohamed Abdul Khaleq Shabrawy said that the Brotherhood has enjoyed “much popularity” in the Egyptian street and abroad and “are respected by all political movements and trends.” He pointed out that they are “renowned for their peaceful approach and police should not have behaved in such an inhumane manner as to haul these respectable men during their pre-dawn raids. Some of these men are not well. They should have shown greater sensitivity,” he said.
Chairman of the International Sufi Committee, Sheik Shahawy, also criticized the arrests, underscoring that the Brotherhood members have always “promoted peaceful reform and tolerance and the terrorism and violence allegations are far from the Brotherhood’s principles.” He condemned the raids on their houses, adding there were more civilized methods alleging that they were vindictive in nature even if the detainees were guilty of the accusations.
The Sufi leader told reporters “it is unfortunate. This is not democracy and even criminals are not treated like this, a fair and transparent trial should be held and by the competent judges and jurists with the appropriate evidences revealed and set out for all to see and not behind closed doors.”
The State Security apparatus has arrested large numbers of the MB top leadership in a “deplorable manner in which the members of the Brotherhood have become accustomed to” and this is a “deplorable act and all those who fight for democracy should unite and condemn this act.”
Sufi leaders agreed that the arrests could only be described as an “indecent act of political vendetta,” which was not only inhumane, but also shameful for democracy in which Egypt’s ruling regime boasts. Adding that in a democratic system, a responsible government should not resort to vindictive action.