- Election CoverageMB News
- April 5, 2008
- 4 minutes read
Egypt Administrative Courts Annull April 8 Local Elections

The past week witnessed a large number of court rulings accross the country which in effect cancel the upcoming local elections and consider the President”s call for elections null and void.
The Administrative Judicial Court in the city of Asiut has issued a ruling on Thursday to enlist 23 Brothers in the municipal elections. Asiut MB candidates reached 27 after adding four last Sunday and they are waiting for other seven candidates to be added.
The Administrative Judicial Court in Suez annulled the municipal elections in all the city’s constituencies as well as the President”s decision to schedule municipal elections for April 8 2008 and all its consequences. Another verdict fined the Administrative Authority for not implementing the verdicts relating to enlisting the MB candidates names in the candidate slates.
The Administrative Judicial Court in Qena has anulled elections in six centers of Qena, in which MB candidates couldn”t be enlisted in the elections despite two verdicts to enroll them. However the committee in charge of elections did not execute the court ruling.
The municipal elections are to be halted in (Isna, Naqada, Qaft, Qus, Najhammadi, and Farshout).
The Administrative Court in Benha has passed a verdict stopping elections in all constituencies of Qaliyobia governorate because the elections committee refused to enroll the MB candidates allegedly for having no legal evidence.
State security investigation urged National Democratic party”s thugs to block MBs while trying to submit their documents to run for elections, and the committees did not execute the court”s decisions relating to enrolling 337 MB candidates in the final lists.
The administrative judicial court in Kafr Al-Sheikh governorate has issued a ruling to stop the municipal elections in all constituencies and annulling the president”s call for participation in April 8 elections and all its consequences.
The court also passed a verdict of fining the administrative authority for not implementing the verdicts relating to enlisting the MB candidates names in the official lists of elections. This verdict came after the executive authorities were sued by more than 100 MBs for not executing the court”s decisions of enrolling them in the final official list. The MBs have had 249 verdicts to be enrolled.
Rajab al-Banna, spokesperson of the Kafr al-Sheikh MBs, asserted that such a verdict is considered fair for the candidates after being ignored by the regime. He also asserted that judicial authority will remain the resort for all prejudiced and marginalized individuals in Egypt.
The administrative judicial court of Alexandria has also ruled to cancel municipal elections of Al-Buhairah as well as the president”s decision to launch elections. Similarly, the court passed a verdict of fining the administrative authority for not implementing the verdicts relating to enlisting the MB candidates names in the official lists of elections.
This verdict came after the executive authorities were sued by more than 120 MBs for not executing the 506 court rulings to enroll them in the final official list.
Tareq Hashad, lawyer of MB candidates in Al-Buhairah, asserted that such a verdict is fair for the candidates who have been ignored by the regime. He indicated that the court acted as expected by the jurists on the basis of asserting the sovereignty of law theoretically and the extent to which the regime ignores the practical and executive sides.
In a similar context, the administrative court of Gharbia has annulled the municipal elections in the governorate due to the blatant violations practiced by the state security apparatus since the first day of registering for elections, let alone their disrespect of verdicts in the candidates” favour.
The same court has annulled the local elections and the president”s call for elections, and fined the administrative authority in charge.