• October 7, 2013
  • 5 minutes read

Egypt Anti-Coup, Pro-Democracy National Alliance Calls ‘People Regain October Spirit’ Week

Egypt Anti-Coup, Pro-Democracy National Alliance Calls ‘People Regain October Spirit’ Week

Evidently, October 6 will be a day that forever holds significance for Egyptians, marking the people’s inspiring greatness and constant readiness to sacrifice and give generously for their just causes.

As patriotic Egyptians gave their lives, martyrs for the liberation of Egyptian soil and to restore dignity, in 1973 (war with Israel), today they gave their lives, martyrs in order to restore freedom and dignity for all citizens.

The Anti-Coup, Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance solemnly salutes the courage and sacrifice of the October 1973 and 2013 Egyptian martyrs.

The whole nation mobilized Sunday in response to the call by the Alliance and the national, revolutionary, student and youth groups and movements to celebrate the anniversary of the great October victory and inspired afresh by its spirit in resisting coup repression, injustice and tyranny.

Egyptians turned out in unprecedented numbers, as witnessed by all news agencies, and were confronted by cold-blooded coup forces that shot to kill, with live bullets tearing Egyptians’ hearts and blowing their heads, in a bloody scene masterminded by ruthless, bloody-minded coup commanders and collaborators.

It has become clear that this coup, since it plighted Egypt and its people, seeks with all its power to tear apart the very fabric of this homeland. While the putschists hold festive celebrations for a faction of this nation, in which they promise to dance over the dead bodies of their fellow citizens who oppose the coup, they send their forces to kill, maim, arrest and detain peaceful Egyptians.

What foolish, fascist, oppressive regime is that to divide the people, with one part dancing jubilantly, while the other being killed mercilessly, for no reason except that the former supports and the latter opposes the coup. What democracy and what respect for the opinion of others do they proclaim and promise Egypt?

The Alliance affirms that this Revolution will not be repressed or derailed by the heinous killings, arbitrary arrests, intimidation and suppression. All these failed policies of the coup will make this Revolution and its men and women stronger, more determined and more steadfast.

Every day, the Revolution gains more ground and a renewed refreshed spirit, as evidenced by the increasing numbers of anti-coup peaceful protesters and the continuous sacrifices they make tirelessly.

The Revolution marches on, gathering along the way all spectra of Egyptian people. It certainly is not, as the putschists claim, a revolution of a single solitary faction. It is a revolution of the entire Egyptian people, on an honorable path that shall only end with victory by the grace of God.

The Alliance reiterates that the march of the Revolution goes on, from strength to strength, fuelled by the precious blood and souls of the noble martyrs. The Alliance salutes all those who gave their lives for the homeland, generously, selflessly.

The Alliance offers sincere consolation to Egypt on the loss of its honorable citizens. Words cannot do justice to thank or praise Egypt’s chaste women for the great sacrifices they have made, especially in the brutal wave of arrests that targeted them Saturday in the vicinity of Rabaa Square.

The Alliance calls upon Egypt’s students in universities and schools in all governorates across the nation to rally Tuesday in demonstrations to condemn the continuing massacres against Egyptians.

The Alliance also calls on the masses of the Egyptian people to continue to demonstrate throughout the week under the slogan "The people regain October spirit", in recognition of the honorable leaders who achieved, along with the people, the glorious October victory, and to condemn those leaders who have maimed the Egyptian army’s doctrine and have come to train their guns and shoot their bullets at their own citizens, rather than the homeland’s enemies.

The Alliance further calls on the masses of the Egyptian people to protest on Friday in Tahrir Square, which belongs to all Egyptians. No-one will stop us or prevent us from entering this liberty square, no matter the sacrifices we have to make. The Alliance will announce the peaceful protest activities’ start points later.

Long live free Egypt

The Anti-Coup, Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance

Cairo: Sunday, October 6, 2013