- December 1, 2012
- 3 minutes read
Egypt President Morsi: I Refuse to Describe Christians as Minority
In an interview with Egyptian state TV, Thursday evening, President Mohamed Morsi assured that freedom of belief and religious practice, as well as all other freedoms, is guaranteed to all. He rejected claims that division and instability are causing an exodus of Christians from Egypt for fear of developments of the current situation.
"Christians in Egypt are partners in this homeland, not a minority. They have the full right in their state, because they are an important component of this nation.
"There are desperate and unsuccessful attempts to sow seeds of strife and discord between Muslims and Christians. But Christians with their fellow Muslims in Egypt are but one body."
The President explained that Monday’s Constitutional Declaration was by no means the first or only one, that it was preceded by five such declarations that the Military Council issued and one President Morsi issued himself earlier, and that the President’s Decrees seek to achieve demands of the revolution and requirements of the current stage.
"There is an elected Constituent Assembly tasked with writing the new constitution. In order to quickly and safely move across from the transitional phase to legislative institutions, the constitutional declaration facilitates the march onto the path of democratic transformation; its text states that ‘the constitutional declaration ends immediately once the draft constitution is approved by a popular referendum’. The new national charter will be finished soon.
"I have sure information indicating an imminent and significant threat to the state. All those involved will be held accountable after investigations are completed. "
Morsi called on all opposition parties, as well as his supporters, to work hard to keep the wheels of production turning and the process of development in Egypt steady, urging that such support or opposition should remain peaceful and healthy – without negatively impacting the interests of the country.