- EGYPTPalestine
- November 20, 2012
- 2 minutes read
Egypt Prime Minister in Gaza Visit: Israeli Aggression and Atrocities Must Be Halted Immediately
Dr. Hisham Qandil, Egyptian Prime Minister, affirmed that post- revolution Egypt will not hesitate to exert all efforts to stop Israeli aggression and to secure a truce between the two parties.
During a news conference with Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya in Gaza last Friday, Qandil stressed the need for Israel to abide by all signed agreements and accords.
"I came to Gaza on instructions from the President of Egypt, the first elected civilian president. I affirm that the government and the people of Egypt, together with their leadership, stand firmly with the Palestinian people, to restore their freedom and end the occupation."
Qandil expressed deep pain at the tragedies he witnessed at Shifa Hospital: "These tragedies cannot be tolerated. Israeli assaults must be stopped immediately. Palestinians are now urgently required to unite in the face of this continued aggression".
In his Gaza visit, Qandil was accompanied by a delegation of doctors, consultants and government ministers, as well as popular and official delegations.