Egypt ranks last by rule-of-law index report

Egypt ranks last by rule-of-law index report

The IJP conference held in Morocco attributed the apparent disregard to the rule-of- law in the Middle East to decades of colonialism and the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Egypt received only 0.31 points in terms of government accountability, where 0.49 points where awarded to Qatar and 0.57 points to the UAE. Egypt scored only 0.48 points, compared to 0.81 points for Qatar and 0.80 points for the UAE concerning absence of corruption. Regarding security and stability, Egypt received 0.32 points, while Qatar scored 0.83 points and the UAE 0.66 points.
According to the report Egypt ranked worst among the Arab states lacking government transparency, legal competence, official corruption, international law and freedom of expression.
The IJP CEO William Neukom maintained that the project has no intentions of singling out individual states for criticism; however it intends to attain global justice and rule of law.