• MB News
  • May 24, 2008
  • 1 minute read

Egyptian Lawyers Rally on Sunday Outside Parliament to Protest New Law

Egyptian Lawyers Rally on Sunday Outside Parliament to Protest New Law

The local branches of the Lawyers’ Syndicate in coordination with main headquarters in Cairo invited all Egyptian lawyers to rally on Sunday in their black ropes outisde the Parliament buliding at 10:00 AM to protest new law proposed by member of the rulling National Democratic Party (NDP) to impose government’s guardianship over their Syndicate.

 Jamal Taj al-Deen, one of the organizers, said that the rally is the first step to face the government’s violations of the lawyers’ rights and deliver a message to the regime that such a proposed law is risky and against stability of the profession.

Jamal indicated that activists from all political backgrounds inside the Syndicate are united against the new law proposed in Parliament and will stand together against all attempts by the government to impose its control over the Lawyers’ Syndicate