- MB Opinions
- August 19, 2008
- 13 minutes read
Egyptian Muslim Brother says Mauritania coup reflects crisis in Arab democracy
[Article by Dr Isam al-Aryyan: “the coup in
The 10th coup was not a surprise to the people of
The military coup, which as usual, wrapped itself in the cloth of a “corrective movement,” is a reflection of the crisis that exists between the Arab societies, on the one hand, and Arab armies and elite, on the other. It is also a reflection of the crisis of the democratic transition of power and the management of the Arab societies through peaceful alternation of power. In addition, it is a reflection of the “conspiracy mentality” of the Arab citizen, and consequently, he reacts with despair, frustration, and unwillingness to actively participate in the party and political life for the sake of peaceful change.
Observers are now saying that the incoming president is the last commander of the military tribunal, ould Val, and that he will follow the same policies as those of Mu”awiyah Ould Tayeh but in a new form, that relations with the Zionist enemy will continue and expand, that the West is supporting him, and that these coup men are his loyal men who were with him in the former transitional military tribunal.
The role of the armies in the Arab political life is a very controversial question. This role has been going on in the past and modern history. The state bureaucracy used to have three functions. First is to protect and defend the country against foreign danger. The second is to keep law and order and achieve stability. And the third is to secure the prevelance of the system of justice among people. [Passage omitted, noting that Arab armies exist in a corrupt and despotic social environment and this is one of the reasons why they often act to overthrow one regime and install another]
The Arab elite has not managed to draft a specific role for the military in our country. In fact, the role of the military in
The role of
Supporters of the Mauritanian coup describe what happened as a corrective movement, and this enhances the suspicion that everything was planned by the military tribunal, that it was the army which brought in President Sidi Ould Cheikh after creating for him a parliamentary majority of the ruling party during the rule of President Ould Tayeh. [passage omitted, noting the major role of the army in political change]
If this suspicion is true, it would prompt the Arab citizen to loose faith in change by his free will and choice. In this case, even the scenario of democracy becomes something that is made by the military elite while the people and their political leaders and popular figures have absolutely no role to play.
Needless to say, military discipline dictates on the armies not to become involved in politics. Officers and soldiers confirmed to be involved in politics are dismissed from the military service while the commanders of the armies who have no political background or training run the affairs of the State after the military coup succeeds. These experiment on people what they have never expirmented all their lives. Thus the country reaps failure after failure because they no longer had a strong army capable of defending the country against foreign danger or a healthy civil administration that can achieve political, economic and social development, and the country starts revolving into a vicious circle of failure.
I can only recall with bitterness and regret the only political experiment of the military in the Arab World, namely, the experiment of the military wing of the Socialist Arab Ba”th Party in
What is more regrettable and painful is that when the Arab people despair from the failed political elite, they turn to the only disciplined national institution they have, namely, the armed forces, particularly in times of crises, exactly in the same way it is happening in our country at the present time. We expect the armed forces to save us from our ordeal, and consequently, we start turning into a new vicious circle of adventures and failures.
It is still early to judge the new political developments in