- February 24, 2007
- 3 minutes read
Egyptian Regime Imposes Travel Ban On MB Leader, Family
Muslim Brotherhood leader Ali Greisha has been added on the Egyptian travel ban list.
The Egyptian authorities prevented counselor Dr. Ali Greisha and his family from traveling to Al Medina Al Monawara, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in which he works as a professor of Islamic Sharia .
The security services in the airport said that Greisha is added on the travel ban lists although Dr. Greisha has a residence permit in Al Medina Al Monawara, works in King Abdul Aziz university, and regularly travels to it without facing any obstacles.
The security services demanded counselor Greisha to go to the Giza’s State Security Service office in Jabir Ibn-Hayyan st. to know why he is added to the travel ban lists .
It is worth mentioning that counselor Ali Greisha was tortured during the era of president Gamal Abd An-Nasir; he has recently spoken in the Egyptian press about the debate around killing Mr. Kamal Al Sananiri, a Muslim Brotherhood leader .
For his part, Saad Al Husseini, a Muslim Brotherhood member of parliament, criticized, in a statement to Ikhwanweb, this unjustified measure and considered it a part of " the Egyptian regime’s attack against freedoms and this proves that personal freedoms are retreating .
Al Husseini pointed out that the Egyptian government imposes the policy of travel bans without any legal basis, and in a way that contradicts with law and constitution that secure to citizens the freedom of movement and travel as long as he is not indicted in any criminal case .
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