Egyptian Security Shuts Down Gharbiya’s Union , Labor House

Egyptian security forces shut down yesterday the branch of the house of union and labor services in Gharbiya, north of Cairo .
Ahmed Zaki Osman, a researcher in the Cairo-based main branch of the house of union and labor services, says the crisis started on 29 March when the head of Nag Hamadi local council issued a decision of closing the branch of the house of union and labor services in Nag Hamadi; after this, many incidents of harassments were carried out against workers in the branches of this house; on Wednesday, a huge number of security forces besieged the Gharbiya branch and shut it down this branch in Mahalla, upon a decision from Gharbiya governor .
Zaki added in a statement to Ikhwanweb that the government’s attacks against the house of the union and labor services are due to claims that the house is orchestrating the labor strikes that Egypt has recently witnessed.
The government, particularly Aisha Abdul Hadi the Minister of Labour and Hussein Mogawer the head of Egypt Labour Union, wants to hold another authority the responsibility for its wrong policy and labour strikes instead of solving workers  problems; this other authority is seemingly the house of the union services, said Zaki.
Zaki confirmed that the house’s attitude towards the labour strikes is clear; it sees that the workers have the right to use all means approved by international laws and conventions to reach their usurped rights .