Egyptian Security Thwarts Kefaya Demonstration

The Egyptian security forces prevented Kifaya Movement from staging a peaceful demonstration in Tahrir Square, in central Cairo, on Thursday after huge numbers of central security forces cordoned the biggest square in the capital and prevented people from joining the demonstration.
A number of demonstrators went to Talaat Harb square where special units of karate players attacked them harshly and arrested 32 activists, including Mohamed Adel the correspondent of Ikhwanweb; he was last heard of when he was in the police car telling us the number of activists detained with him.
As usual in every demonstration, these forces beat journalist Mohamed Ehsan Abdul Qoddous, the secretary general of the freedoms committee in the Press Syndicate.
A few number of demonstrators gathered beside the Tagammu’ Party building in downtown region neighboring Talaat Harb square after facing many police harassments that included beating and detention.
Dr. Abdul Wahab Al Meseiri the coordinator Kifaya Movement declared that security leaders phoned him and demanded him to cancel the demonstration or he will be hit with an iron fist; Al Meseiri added that they advised him to oppose only through his writing and he shouldn’t be involved in such ’riots’; ” they describe our peaceful protest as riot”, he said.
It is worth mentioning that the movement announced about staging this demonstration to declare its rejection to the constitutional amendments proposed by the Egyptian President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak; Kefaya called on the the Egyptian people to boycott the referendum on these articles because it is only  a farce.
The demonstrators criticized the Egyptian attitude towards the issue of the Egyptian POWs who appeared in a recent documentary while Israelis were killing them in cold blood in 1967, in a flagrant violation to international covenants.
The demonstrators chanted slogans calling on Mubarak’s regime because during his era the Egyptian people were humiliated, afflicted by disease, poverty and torture.
The demonstrators declared that they will stage a sit-in the street till detainees are released.
In a related context, the Egyptian police arrested Dr. Mahmoud Ghozlan, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood Executive Ofice, along with 16 other MB leaders on charges of belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood and staging Thursday’s demonstration although the Muslim Brotherhood didn’t participate in it.

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