- Human RightsTorture
- February 2, 2007
- 7 minutes read
El-Adly Video-Gate: Imbaba Police Detain Torture Victim’s Father
I’ve just received news that a force from the Imbaba Police Station went into the house of Ihab Magdi Farouk at 2am, and detained his father, a couple of hours after Al-Masry Al-Youm’s issue hit the night news stand, with Ihab’s interview exposing the torture he went through in the notorious police station.
Ihab is currently on the run, and too scared to return home. He says the kidnapping of his dad is a means to pressure him not to speak about his ordeal in the Imbaba Police Station.
Ihab Magdi Farouk, the victim of Imbaba Police brutality video is still on the run, fearing for his safety after he went public with the details of his torture in an interview with Al-Masry Al-Youm on Thursday, only to have his house raided and family detained.
Ihab made a phone call yesterday to journalist and friend Ali Zalat of Al-Masry Al-Youm, who broke the exclusive the report about Ihab’s identity, and told him he would stay on the run till he’s provided with legal aid.
(Editor’s note: “El Adly” refers to Habib El Adly, Egypt’s minister of Interior)
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