El-Baradei Excluded from Changes in Campaign’s Official Formation

El-Baradei Excluded from Changes in Campaign’s Official Formation

 Sources stressed that “Must Campaign”, the former popular Campaign to Support El-Baradei, has concluded the formation of its Board of Trustees, which is the campaign’s highest authority. The formation did not include Dr. Mohamed El-Baradei but did include Dr. Mohamed Abul Ghar, Dr. Abdel Galil Mustafa, Dr. Mohamed Ghoneim, Dr. Alaa El-Aswani, Ambassador Shokry Fouad and many others that might be included.

All the names will be announced during a ceremony honouring the former coordinator of the campaign, Abdel Rahman Yousef, who resigned a week ago.

During the meeting of the Governorates Committee which was held today, Dr. Mustafa El-Naggar was officially chosen as a general coordinator of the campaign for a year starting from today with 12 votes out of 15 governorates and 3 governorates that abstained from voting in the meeting.
The Executive Bureau of the campaign agreed to choose El-Naggar last week.