El-Farmoy Takes Legal Action to Vote Recount

El-Farmoy Takes Legal Action to Vote Recount

By Yassen Abdel Maqsoud

Dr. Abdel Hay el-Farmoy, the candidate of the Moslem Brotherhood in Hadiq el-Quba district, of Cairo, takes legal proceedings, before the Administrative Court, to call into question ballot-rigging. He demands a vote recount.


El-Farmoy stated to Ikhwan online that the vote count of the sub-electoral commissions showed him leading. However, the supervisory judges of these commissions handed in the outcome to the president of the general electoral commission who changed the result to be for the favor of the nominee of the National Democratic Party.


When el-Farmoy demanded the real result to be announced, the president of the supervisory judges said “go to court if you feel harmed.”

 The Administrative Court will make its final ruling on Nov.14th.