Erian: Arabs and Muslims Can Contribute to Achieving World Peace

Erian: Arabs and Muslims Can Contribute to Achieving World Peace

Dr. Essam El-Erian, Vice-Chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), asserted that the truce deal, brokered by Egypt under the leadership of President Mohamed Morsi between Israel and the Palestinian resistance, opens the door to a new phase for the Palestinian people.

In a post on his Facebook page, Erian said: "All Palestinian factions must now complete their reconciliation, activate the Cairo Agreement and adopt a single unified program with which to address the world community. Arabs must put all their economic, financial and defense resources in support of Palestine, especially Jerusalem, and confront Zionist intransigence. We should speak in one voice with the international community.

"The whole world is changing, not only the Arab world. Israeli leaders are facing a new challenging scene they have never had to face throughout the past sixty years."

In conclusion, Erian added, "We can achieve peace for the whole world, not only for our region. The Arab and Muslim world, with the support of the so-called Global South as well as the free-thinking peoples of the West, can contribute in making better human civilization, at this important stage in the history of mankind.”