- November 28, 2012
- 3 minutes read
Erian: Morsi’s Constitutional Declaration Will Be Cancelled Within Weeks by New National Charter
Dr. Essam El-Erian, Vice-Chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), assured that the protesters’ demand to cancel Constitutional Declaration will be achieved within weeks, when the country’s new constitution replaces all preceding charters.
During an interview in Al-Jazeera satellite TV channel, Erian further said: "We should move on with the revolution to the vital phase of laying the foundations of democracy and building state institutions.
"Israel was the first to describe President Mohamed Morsi as a dictator, because Zionists are afraid of the Arab Spring and the Arab revolutions.
"Mass demonstrations cannot be the mother-tongue of politics. The people can best express their will through the ballot box – that is democracy. Soon enough, the whole Egyptian people will be the ultimate arbitrator among all political forces through the referendum on the constitution."
Dr. Erian stressed that a lot of rumors are being fabricated with no basis in truth at all. He condemned rumors claiming the resignation of Vice-President Makki and a number of presidential advisers, stressing that the Egyptian citizen now demands stability for economic development.