- Palestine
- February 28, 2010
- 2 minutes read
EU campaign hails Irish FM visit to Gaza
In a press release on Saturday, the campaign said that that Martin’s insistence on visiting Gaza despite the Israeli decision to ban him is a courageous position.
It added that the Irish minister highlighted during his field tour the gravity of the humanitarian situation in besieged Gaza especially after the war and promised to brief his colleagues in the European union on the tragic situation in Gaza in order to form a pressure group.
“This is not a normal blockade; it is a siege on children and mothers. There are one million children and mothers in the Gaza Strip living without [proper] food, electricity, health services and education,” the campaign underlined.
“Europe can end the siege tragedy immediately if it really wants to stop the circle of mass death.”
For its part, the government committee to break the siege appealed on Saturday to Egypt to stop building walls and towers along its borders with Gaza.
“We expect Egypt to do more efforts to end Gaza siege and not to contribute directly or indirectly to tightening the blockade,” the committee said in a press release.
The Egyptian government recently embarked on building a US-funded iron wall as well as towers separating Gaza from the Egyptian lands at the pretext of protecting Egypt’s national sovereignty.