EU Parliament VP Expresses Dismay Over Human Rights Conditions in Egypt

EU Parliament VP Expresses Dismay Over Human Rights Conditions in Egypt

The Italian Vice-President of the European Union, Louisa Morgantini, visited the international mock trial of the Israeli war crimes during the Lebanon war in 2006, which was held in Brussel on Sunday.


A number of activities including workshops, seminars, and festivals took place throughout the day, among them was the expo organized by the Arab Committee for Human Rights (ACHR)along with the Amnesty International (AI) tackling the status of human rights in Egypt.


Louisa Morgantini visited the ACHR section where she expressed her dismay over the human rights violations in Egypt by referring civilians to military tribunals. Morgantini requested copies of documents explaining the case indicating that she will discuss the matter with concerned officials.


Morgantini also expressed her great sympathy with the miseries that

Lebanon witnessed during the time of war with Israel