European MPs raise Gaza’s issue in their parliaments.

European MPs raise Gaza’s issue in their parliaments.


In a statement, the European campaign to “end the siege” asserted Tuesday that the lawmakers submitted reports to the speakers of parliaments in their respective countries. The delegates relayed the deplorable picture of the disastrous impacts of the blockade on all aspects of life in Gaza.


The lawmakers expressed their dismay and shock at the silence of the international community over the unjust Israeli siege and slammed it for not responding to the Goldstone report, stressing that this silence is participation in Israel’s crimes against Gaza people.

British MP Gerald Kaufman, who led the delegation reported that the delegation members  agreed to make a series of moves especially in the European parliaments in order to raise the issue of Gaza siege and prevent any new war on Gaza in light of the Israeli threats.


In a related context, a Palestinian medical source asserted that two European medical delegations arrived Sunday in Gaza. The doctors conducted several major operations in Nasser hospital in Khan Younis including bone, hand, and plastic surgeries.