• February 12, 2012
  • 3 minutes read

Experience in Egypt and Japan

Experience in Egypt and Japan

Egypt’s 2011 experience thus far has evidently been a great revolutionary one. Without doubt, the country has faced insurmountable challenges, succeeding in parts and erring in others. Although it was able to topple the head of the repressive regime, the revolution’s demands and objectives have not been completely fulfilled as yet, with a lot of work still to be done in terms of cleansing of corruption, changing for the better and ridding the system of the former regimes’ chums, cronies and affiliated establishments.

As for Japan, the year’s harsh experiences began in the first quarter of 2011, with the Tsunami which destroyed vast areas, followed by the explosive disaster of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

However, Japan’s reaction and positive response in dealing with these catastrophes, according to what I witnessed during my recent visit there – were both strong and organized. Japan was able to use these disasters as challenges, a turning point, taking advantage of the Japanese values, ethics and morals on which Japan’s progress depended in the wake of World War II. Japan relied on the people’s loyalty and sacrifice in its endeavors to rebound, rise and regain its original leading position.

I can safely say that Japan is one of the best and most capable countries for quick recovery. During my visit, it took me a few days contemplating how this country succeeded in recovering so strongly and quickly, whereas other nations would have surely taken years, if not decades, to recover.

An important lesson the Egyptians may learn from their counterparts in Japan, in this context, is the people’s unyielding desire for change, reform and development, through cooperation and coordination, merging as one – with complete disregard to personal interests, gains and benefits. Assigning roles effectively and in an organized manner is an essential key for any nation to move forward and rise. These ideals are without doubt the only guarantee for the revolution to accomplish its demands and achieve its craved transformation.