- Human RightsReports
- October 16, 2008
- 3 minutes read
First Follow-up Committe Meeting On Judge-Police Crisis
The follow-up committee formed by Egypt”s Judges Club to follow-up on the stands of Judges who were exposed to police assaults started its first meeting yesterday, October 15, at the club”s headquarters.
Judge Fouad Rashed, Tanta Appellate Court President and the Committee”s Head explained that the meeting is significant as it expresses solidarity and rage over the blatant violations of the police against a number of judges. Rashed pointed out that the committee will be preparing a report to be presented to the Supreme Judicial Council, Attorney General, and Minister of Interior.
The Judges Club had discussed the phenomenon of police assaults on judges in its last meeting on Sunday upon which the decision to form this follow-up committee headed by Rashed was made.
The crisis had broken out when two Aswan Primary Court heads were recently beaten and humiliated at the hands of a cop as they were entering the International Luxor Airport.