- May 7, 2013
- 3 minutes read
FJP: Both Assad and Israel are Occupiers, US Position Murky, Syrian People Will Triumph

In a post on his Facebook page, Dr. Essam El-Erian, deputy head of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), said: "Undoubtedly, the Syrian people will triumph. Their revolution will achieve its goals of freedom, dignity and independence, maintaining the unity of the Syrian territory and cohesion of the national fabric of Arab Syrian that supports the people of Palestine and Arab unity.
"All the conspiracies of the enemies and conspirators against the revolution will fail. Anyone who tries to derail the revolution will be defeated. From the current conflict, true friends of Syria will emerge, as Syrians rise and revive their historic glory."
Separately, in a statement to Ikhwanweb, Dr. Gamal Heshmat, a member of the FJP’s National Committee, said: "Israeli raids are just like Assad’s massacres against the Syrian Revolution. Both will be vanquished. That is the inevitable end of all occupiers, internal or foreign – and usurpers of the rights of free peoples.
"The Arab and international community must take responsibility of action against this tyranny and oppression against people who raise legitimate demands for justice, freedom and a decent life. Silence will no longer be acceptable with regard to ongoing crimes, massacres and violations Syria’s territorial sovereignty.
"It is quite absurd that Israel commits these crimes only a short time after U.S. President Barack Obama’s meeting with Israeli officials. This carries significant and serious messages about the ambiguous position of US officials toward the Syrian Revolution, especially as they recently declined to comment on massacres using chemical weapons by Assad forces against the Syrian people."