- FJP News
- October 6, 2011
- 2 minutes read
FJP: Despite Differences With Maikel Nabil, We Oppose Military Trials For Civilians

Dr. Mohamed Beltagy, of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) Executive Bureau, criticised the continued detention of an Egyptian citizen tried by a military tribunal for his blogs.
Blogger Michael Nabil, serving three years for insulting the army, had staged a hunger strike to protest his sentence, while numerous human rights groups have called for his release.
Speaking to Ikhwanweb, Beltagy stated: “The FJP completely rejects the referral of civilian to military tribunals, regardless of the reasons. Military trials should be reserved for those in the army”.
He added “Regardless of whether we agree with Nabil or not, we call for his release. Furthermore, we reject that any citizen be tried by martial law simply for his opinions. People in Egypt must be given the liberty of speaking their minds freely, practising freedom of speech”.