- FJP News
- October 13, 2011
- 3 minutes read
FJP: Egyptians Will Not Vote For Former NDP Candidates in Next Elections

As candidates’ registration for the upcoming elections began Wednesday morning, numerous governorates including Kafr el Sheik, Assuit, and Beheira witnessed remnants from the former regime sign up as candidates.
In a statement to Ikhwanweb, Dr. Ahmed Diab, from the Freedom and Justice Party’s (FJP) Executive Bureau, asserted that the people will not allow their will to be disregarded and circumvented and will not stand for the remnants to represent them in parliament. "Just as the people were able to topple a corrupt and oppressive regime, whose ruler is currently being tried, it is capable of ousting the candidates from the dissolved National Democratic Party (NDP)."
He added "Egypt is currently experiencing democratization through the upcoming elections. Although it’s facing a critical period, it is also witnessing a historical transformation towards democracy."
He stated, that the elections, the first following the revolution, is an experience for the people where democracy is practiced for the first time and a step towards building a civil state.
Diab called on the West to follow the elections with neutrality and to work on building relations with the new Egypt. "I hope the West is able to develop relations and endorse an elected authority which will work towards the interests of the people rather than support an oppressive Egyptian regime as they did in the past," he stated.