• FJP News
  • November 20, 2011
  • 10 minutes read

FJP Candidate in Heliopolis: Traffic and Security are Among My Top Priorities

FJP Candidate in Heliopolis: Traffic and Security are Among My Top Priorities

 Khaled Hassan, candidate of Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) on “individuals- Workers” on the constituencies of Nasr City, Al-Nozha, Al Shorouq and Badr, 51 years-old, married with six children. He holds a diploma in Industrial Technology and a Bachelor of Information from the Cairo University in 2010 and now he is the director of Town Gas Company, for natural gas. This is considered his first time to run for parliamentary elections. Ikhwanweb had the following interview with him: 

This is the first time you participate in parliamentary election, was the revolution behind it?

 Indeed, the revolution opened the doors of freedom for us and everyone felt hopeful about development and advancement so we had to take part in rebuilding Egypt and ending the years of gloom we lived in.

 In addition, the role of a Member of Parliament is essential in the system of renaissance and construction because of its legislative and supervisory role on the government, local councils and other bodies. So because of its essential and influential role I wanted to take part after the revolution.

 What qualifications made you run for the parliamentary elections?

 I have gained special experience from general work during the past years. I was also a candidate in the elections of the Labor Union in 2006 and local elections in 1992, and I have the skills as well as social and practical capacity.

 What is your program for the upcoming parliament?

 We will do our best to apply the program of FJP throughout Egypt, while working on my electoral program for my constituency. The program covers all aspects of social, economic and political life and we will work very hard with the help of God. I believe in the Muslim Brotherhood and that they will do all they can to protect and develop this country.

 I would like to clarify the confusion many citizens gave, which is that the role of Parliament is legislative and observing and not solving problems, but it is the role of local councils which will be monitored by MPs.

 As a candidate for the workers seat, what is your vision to solve the successive problems of workers?

 The problem of the variable wages of workers will be on top of my list if we succeeded in this parliament. There are people who receive very little wages while others get very high ones. Our aim will be on solving this huge difference which is the main reason behind the successive labour strikes.

 In a second phase, we will look at the problems of temporary contracts for workers, from which large groups of society suffer.

 What is the goal that you will seek to achieve in this parliament?

 As it’s known, the one who does not have his food does not have his decision.  According to  Shaykh Shaarawi: "Unless our food was made by us,  our decision wont be made by us".

I hope all efforts coordinate to provide land for each man studying at the Faculty of Agriculture and provide him all possible means which enables him to produced seeds in this land this way we won’t be controlled by any other country.

I will seek to push the competent authorities to employ fresh graduates in order to push them to build themselves and to become a leading country, God willing.

 In your opinion, what is the most significant problem in Heliopolis district?

 There are some growing problems in the constituency as it’s a big one and consists of four big sections including Heliopolis, Al Nozha, Al Shorouq and Badr.

 We will solve all problems with the means available to us in the parliament through legislation, monitoring and accounting for all State bodies and for the members of the local council to play their part in providing appropriate opportunities for the youths.

Al Shorouq city has a high unemployment rate which requires radical solutions to get rid of this problem which requires coordination with all parties to solve it, including the government, with serious cooperation of businessmen and private companies to provide opportunities for youths.

We will also work on solving the problem experienced by the people of Shorouq which is the poor security presence which led to a number of incidents, such as theft and kidnapping. We will work on serious accountability of the police there, and on increasing the number of police in the city.

 Transportation to and from the city is also very weak for a residential city unlike other cities. As this is an industrial city its residents of students and employers need to to create a strong chain of transportation linking the city with various areas and to facilitate their transition to all other governorates.

 In addition to working on making small projects to improve the standards of a number of areas of the constituency below the poverty line, particularly in Almaza, and Hykestep, and the Farm of Muslims and Badr.

The crisis of traffic congestion a top priority for the entire party in most constituencies  of Cairo and Heliopolis.  We will work to activate the role of traffic management to reduce the congestion to re-plan route to make movement easier in the area.

 It has always been said that FJP wants to take over the parliament, then government and Egypt. What is your response to this?

 Now we are going through difficult times, and the media wants to give a bad impression of the MB and FJP by broadcasting programs bringing people tarnishing the images of the FJP and MB without bringing another party to respond to these accusations although the media should be neutral.

 The insistence of some programs on brining one point of view makes it lacks neutrality and credibility which is not new for them.  The longer the period of elections takes the more rumors about MB will be spread.

 If we want to take over Egypt as they claim, we wouldn’t have been keen on the cohesion of the Democratic Alliance and we wouldn’t have other party members on top of our lists. We want all social categories and classes to participate in this Council particularly, as it is the most dangerous council in the history of Egypt.

 We do not seek authority, but we wish the country enjoys welfare, advancement and development by the people who fear God, either from the MB or others, to achieve the goals of our revolution.

 How was your participation in the revolution?

 Going to Tahrir Square and sit-in was a duty on all MB members unexceptionally. My children and wife went to Tahrir Square on “Friday of Anger” 28 January 2011, but I was at work in Nasir city in the gas company living a state of emergency all the time as we would have 5 people working  in shifts and we could not leave our positions in order to keep the gas in the area otherwise there would be a cut off gas in the whole area. At that time I used to feel like I am on another battle. So I would participate the million-man Fridays and then go back to work  to maintain the interests of the people

 What were the most events that touched you then?

 The pictures of the martyrs in Tahrir Square, especially the young girl “Sally”, I imagined my daughter in her position and that these “roses” who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and development of Egypt has a right on us to keep going until we achieve their aspirations and take revenge for their killing, which made the situation harder for us.

 Is there a message you would like to send to candidates?

 I would tell them: let us not let competition for the parliament make us lose credibility, let’s not beautify our images an lie to voters, we should rather be clear and honest in our electoral campaigns. The parliamentary elections should not be a reason for us to lie to people or say false things about ourselves or say things we can’t apply or achieve.