FJP Condemns Attack on Khaled Dawoud, Coptic Movement Accuses Coup

FJP Condemns Attack on Khaled Dawoud, Coptic Movement Accuses Coup

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party condemned the attack Friday on Khaled Dawoud, journalist and Constitution Party spokesman, wishing him a speedy recovery.

In a statement, the FJP stressed that it denounces all acts of violence, even against those who supported the military coup.

Meanwhile, in a letter of support to Dawoud, Rami Jan, journalist and founder of the "Christians against the coup" movement, criticized the thugs assault on Dawoud with bladed weapons.

In a post on his personal page in Facebook, the Coptic activist said: "Khaled Dawoud criticized President Morsi for one whole year, and nothing happened to him. But when he criticized the coup, he was viciously assaulted".