FJP Holds First Rally in Alexandria

FJP Holds First Rally in Alexandria

In the Freedom and Justice Party’s (FJP) first popular conference in Alexandria held last Friday in the presence of a number of MB leaders, 2005 parliamentary block members, members of the teaching staff, professional associations and business men, FJP President Mohammad Morsi called for a reconsideration into the trials of former regime figures to ensure their complete disappearance in the upcoming years.

Morsi added that talk about sectarianism, economic collapse and absence of security was over exaggerated pointing out that those accused of inciting sectarianism were the state security apparatus, their latest plot of which was the attack against the Qiddiseen church in Alexandria.

 Morsi affirmed the importance of keeping up the revolution until all its demands of freedom, advancement, production, social justice, and democratic elections were met.

 Morsi further pointed out that 20 million Egyptians on February 11, the day of the President’s ousting, had agreed on handing the legislative and executive powers temporarily to the armed forces to take care of the country during a transitional period of no more than a few months adding that those calling for other legislations must acknowledge that plurality of legislations isn’t in the interest of Egyptians or the revolution.  Morsi further stressed that the skeletal structure of the country are the parliament, constitution, and president and that now Egypt is without any skeletal structure or back bone (referring to the parliament).

 Morsi added that the constitutional declaration governing us after gaining its legitimacy from the Egyptian people had determined a number of points to be followed through including the parliament, elections, constitution, and Constitutional Assembly which will lay down the constitution, affirming that there can be no balance in foreign relations until Egypt is stable and circulation of authority, freedom, and democracy are guaranteed.

Morsi further explained that Egypt is facing a number of challenges including those presented by remnants of the former regime including thugs who the regime used against the people and state security officers who corrupted and committed crimes against the interests of the country and the Egyptian people pointing out that they are still present among us and aware of the details of life in Egypt and stressing the necessity that they be justly tried so they become a lesson for all.  

 Morsi further pointed out that Egypt’s foes don’t want to see it advance and develop referring to Egypt’s pivotal position in the world and key role in the Arab and Muslim world and affirming the necessity for Egyptian unity despite the differences for the sake of the country’s advancement.

Morsi further called on the party’s members in Alexandria to get involved in the cleaning project of Thughr city, to cooperate in solving traffic problems, share in covering the deficit in blood banks by launching FJP-sponsored blood donation campaigns, and spread awareness about citizens’ duties towards the country.

 Alexandria FJP Secretary-General Hussein Ibrahim said, “We are working towards scientific and economic advancement, and our goals are elimination of poverty and unemployment, better education and health, laying the foundations for the rule of law while reinforcing the freedoms of press and media until the leading role of Egypt in the Arab and Islamic world is restored.”

 Ibrahim added that the party’s program is based on three major principles, the first of which is “the principles of Islamic legislation being the primary source of legislation and this is what ensures justice in the lawmaking process while reaffirming non-muslims’ right to self-governance in their private affairs.”

 Ibrahim added that the second principle is that the people are the source of authority and possessors of the fundamental right to choose stressing that no faction or group have the right to monopolize representation of the revolution because there were no records being kept of the millions who participated in the Egyptian revolution.

 “The third principle we consider as a basis for our work is consultation which we believe is the means to serving the country’s interests so that no monopolization occurs and to ensure democracy provided that this democracy is according to correct and appropriate mechanisms that ensure the participation of all,” Ibrahim added.

 Ibrahim considered political, ethical, and constitutional reform as the starting point of Egyptian advancement stressing that the Egyptian citizen is the primary target of development and adding that “freedom, justice, and equality are gifts from God to all humans without any exceptions or discrimination based on belief, religion, gender or color provided that individual freedom doesn’t transgress others’ freedom.”

 Ibrahim added that the FJP is working on preserving the revolution’s achievements on the one hand and working on achieving the remaining demands on the other hand adding, “We will not accept the escape of any former regime figures from just trials and will not allow martyrs’ sacrifices to be wasted.  We will face anyone who killed or was involved in the killing of the revolutionists with firmness and call on all to join us especially in holding accountable those who cut off all means of communication during the revolution preventing many from calling ambulances to save the lives of the injured who eventually died.”

 Addressing those attempting to make the stock market collapse, Alexandria FJP Secretary-General told them to go back on their stances and avoid disturbing the national accord.

 In a different context, Ibrahim explained, “We understand development as a sustainable process in the different domains of life, including the human, environment, and urban” affirming giving equal attention to all domains.

 “We will reach out to all for the sake of the country’s welfare to discuss the future of the country and we won’t share in a dialogue or agree upon anything other than that which the people decide upon willingly, just as we refuse any imposition of guardianship on us or any confiscation of our will,” Ibrahim added. 

On her part, Alexandria FJP Women Secretary-General Amina El-Gindy saluted the women who participated in the revolution, including “Umm Fakiha” who supplied bricks to the revolutionists, and the coptic woman “Marsil” who provided water for her Muslim brother to make ablution with, and “Umm Ahmed” who presented her sons as martyrs for the country.

 Al Motaz Billah Habashi, one of the party’s youth members, invited all parties, forces and entities to unite and build Egypt’s present and future so that the martyrs’ sacrifices and youth’s hopes are not wasted and for the sake of a better future for our children.

 Habashi added that “Egypt was and will remain upheld by its youth and we will show the world that Egypt, with its youth, elderly, and women, will unite the whole world and this is our promise that we will work towards fulfilling.”