FJP Holds First Women Rally in Alexandria

FJP Holds First Women Rally in Alexandria

The Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), in East Alexandria held the first FJP’s women conference attended by thousandson Friday night. The conference was attended by FJP female candidate for the first division Bushra Al-Semny, and candidates Sobhi Saleh and Mustafa Mohamed. Read More

Semny discussed problems faced by the Egyptian community stating that the country’s interests concerned all of Egypt and the FJP was working on solving these problems. “The FJP is focusing on the community’s challenges in general and the female in particular including the high rates of divorces and spinsters in the country. The party also hopes to resolve the unemployment and housing crisis for the Egyptian youths in order to develop the nation”.

During the conference Semny stressed that the high rate of spinsters resulted from the former regime’s inability to protect and offer services to the family unit. “We need to correct and instill higher values and morals in the community which in turn will result in the country’s stability”, she ended.

Independent candidate Mustafa Mohamed in the Montaza division greeted the crowd and paid tribute to the January 25 martyrs families acknowledging the women’s role in the community.
He added: “The FJP recognizes the significance of the women’s role and that is why we have Bushra Al-Semny and Dr. Eman Alazb on the electoral list”.

Discussing the party’s platform he stressed: “The party plans to make amendments in the health and education services for the citizens by reforming the education and health insurance systems. The party also hopes to enhance urban development in terms of developing transportation routes in Alexandria by building more bridges and repairing electricity networks.
Unlike the former regime the FJP will open rather than close down factories”.

Candidate Sobhi Saleh also discussed the women’s role, emphasizing that Islam observes that the women are equal to men. He concluded the conference by thanking the crowds who were happy to meet with the candidates and become familiar with the party’s program and projects with plans to meet on Election Day.