- July 17, 2014
- 2 minutes read
FJP Leader Farid Ismail: Egyptians Will Certainly Defeat Coup

Dr. Farid Ismail, leading member of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) and Vice-Chairman of the legitimate parliament’s Committee on National Security, said that he and all free patriotic Egyptians in the repressive coup’s prisons will continue their defiance, steadfast until the criminal coup is finally defeated and its illegitimate regime toppled.
Dr. Ismail was commenting on a sentence passed against him, together with a number of other supporters of democratic legitimacy, of 7 years in prison, in a case fabricated by the coup regime in Sharqiya Province (Nile Delta).
Dr. Ismail added that their steadfastness is not for the Muslim Brotherhood, the FJP, or Islamists alone, but for the whole of Egypt, which was hijacked by military commanders, and which will soon return to the Egyptian people.
"These verdicts and sentences are not worth the paper on which they are written… I solemnly salute the steadfastness of the Egyptian people rising in revolt in the streets."