FJP MP Al-Garf Slams Attack against Activist Nawara Negm

FJP MP Al-Garf Slams Attack against Activist Nawara Negm

 Newly elected Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), MP, Aza Al-Garf stated that the party objected firmly to attacks against any individuals expressing their opinion in Egypt. The comment comes following the incident where assailants physically and verbally attacked female Egyptian activist, Nawara Negm, in the latest violence targeting activists.


Speaking to Ikhwanweb, Al-Garf stated: "I was deeply disturbed after learning of the attack and viewed footage of the blows against Negm. Such actions fail to reflect the true spirit of the revolution and the achievements accomplished especially, freedom of speech. Differences of opinion should be represented through mature and civil dialogue not physical and verbal abuse. I very much doubt that those who attacked Negm even took part in the revolution". 

She added: "We are working towards reaching an era of freedom and such actions only serve to hinder the process. Despite such incidents we are adamant not to be effected and will continue to protect the rights of women and the freedom of speech".

Al-Garf is expected to speak to the media later today and will meet with Egyptian journalist Shafky Al-Mouneiry, to address the issue and others. Ending her statement she stressed: "I will continue to support women’s rights and defend her against any aggressions that may occur".