- FJP News
- September 27, 2011
- 3 minutes read
FJP Rejects New Electoral Law Proposed by SCAF

Freedom and Justice Party’s (FJP) Secretary General, Dr. Saad Katatny, rejected new electoral law proposed by the ruling Superior Council of Armed Forces (SCAF), which allows candidates to contest for one third of parliamentary seats through the First-Past-The-Post system (FTTP), and remaining two thirds are retained for proportional party lists. The proosed law also prohibits parties competing for the proportional list to nominate candiates for the FTTP lists. Critics of the FTTP system consider it back door to parliament, which can be exploited by former ruling party figures.
FJP also criticized SCAF for ignoring the popular demands during the drafting of the new law, requesting that the ruling military council to carefully review all legal and technical aspects of the upcoming elections and not just the plural vs. singular election tickets, in order to produce a representative parliament that can pursue the path of the revolution and achieve its goals.
“We are also against the decisions made without agreement with political factions, and insist that the law promised by SCAF banning former regime members from politics for a specific period of time to be endorsed”.
It is expected the Democratic Alliance for Egypt, which consists of more than 36 political parties including FJP, to meet Wednesday September 28, to discuss the changes to made the new law and the current situation and steps to be taken by the coalition during the upcoming phase keeping Egypt’s best interests in mind.