- FJP News
- December 29, 2011
- 2 minutes read
FJP Rushes with Aid to Collapsing Bridge Victims

Mohamed Abdul Fattah, Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), Secretary General in Aswan, stated that the party rushed in with aid to help the ‘Abu Simble Village’ in Nasr Alnouba after one of its bridges collapsed Wednesday. The collapse resulted in the flooding of 14 mud brick houses and part of the village’s school. In some streets water levels reached 50 cm.
In a statement to Ikhwanweb, Abdul Fattah pointed out: “Vehicles by the FJP carrying food, blankets and other necessities were rushed to the scene to offer whatever aid was necessary to the families there. The party’s youths are currently posted in the area to offer help to the victims. Efforts are also being made to place the families in temporary homes”.
He explained that the council in turn had moved in to erect tents for the victims. “The FJP is collecting information and the names of victims affected by the damage and will submit the details to the appropriate executive bodies for compensation”.