FJP Welcomes Tunisian Football Team in Egypt

FJP Welcomes Tunisian Football Team in Egypt

In a goodwill gesture, youth from the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) met with the Tunisian Football team in Cairo Stadium before its match with Egypt’s Al-Ahly team qualifying for the semi-final of this year’s CAF Champions League.

Speaking to Ikhwanweb, FJP member Fahmy Mustafa said banners were raised by the FJP youth welcoming the Tunisian team to the Cairo Stadium in addition to distributing leaflets during the match.

Dr. Mohamed Beltagy FJP leader also presented the Tunisian team with FJP plaque honoring them and welcoming them to Egypt.

The gesture was intended to indicate that the party believed that Egyptians and Tunisians were one people and their revolution and demands were one rejecting extremism in football. He thanked the Tunisians who cared for the Egyptian refugees who fled Libya to Tunisia during Gaddafi’s offensives in Libya.