Following Absurd Verdicts, Dr. Morsi Pledges Retribution for Revolution Martyrs and Re-trial of Culprits

Following Absurd Verdicts, Dr. Morsi Pledges Retribution for Revolution Martyrs and Re-trial of Culprits

This is an official statement by Dr. Mohamed Morsi, Chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) and candidate for the Presidency, on the ruling issued today in the case against the former president and his sons as well as his interior minister and six of his police commanders.

Let me begin by reiterating my commitment to exact retribution for the souls of our honorable martyrs and our heroes – the revolution’s injured. I call upon the great people of Egypt to persist in the march of the revolution until its objectives are fully achieved.

Certainly, those martyrs fuelled the revolution and gave it momentum and vitality. Their innocent lives and pure blood were a dear price for the freedom of the people, to recover their dignity.

That price was paid selflessly by the martyrs and the injured and their families, who suffered unimaginable grief and sorrow that accompany the death or injury of a dearly loved son or daughter.

The people of the entire country waited for a year and a half for a verdict that deals justice, restores rights to their owners, punishes the real perpetrators and deters all those who may be tempted to take the lives or shed the blood of the people.

I make this solemn promise to the noble people of this great homeland that I will be responsible of exacting retribution for all their suffering, against the real killers and culprits.

In order to do so, I pledge as follows:

First: I pledge – as soon as I am in charge, if I win the upcoming runoff elections – to order the formation of a most efficient team of criminal investigators and forensic evidence experts, prosecutors and other specialized experts from all fields, to start fresh prosecution and investigation action with regard to all crimes committed against protesters in all the governorates of Egypt, as well as crimes committed by the former regime against the Egyptian people for decades which are not time-barred.

Second: To present all new facts and evidence emerging from real investigations and careful research to the competent judicial authorities. Those will comprise the most efficient investigative judges in Egypt, to ensure the separation of prosecution and investigation authorities.

This should secure the conviction of the real killers as well as all those involved in committing these crimes in any way, whether by providing help, incitement or consent, and of course those who gave the orders to kill demonstrators or use violence against them.

Third: I will demand that all state authorities and institutions must provide information, experts and documents that should help the investigation and the competent courts to issue a just and expeditious ruling, in retribution for the lives of martyrs – to soften and soothe the wounds of the injured, and bring redemption into the lives of the martyrs’ families.

Fourth: I urge the great Egyptian people to persist in their civilized and peaceful revolution until all its objectives are achieved; and I will be with them – in the forefront – in order to take Egypt safely through this most precarious phase of its history.

These pledges and commitments are my own responsibility that I proudly shoulder, because the dignity of this country’s citizens is an integral and vital part of the sovereignty of the state, and because the Egyptian people are the source of all authority.

Dr. Mohamed Morsi

Cairo on June 2, 2012