- FJP News
- August 23, 2012
- 2 minutes read
Freedom and Justice Party: Egypt Resources Sufficient Substitute for World Bank Loans
The Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) has reiterated its rejection of the government’s insistence on taking a loan from the World Bank. The FJP finds that searching for ‘painkiller’ types of solution to treat economic problems raises many question marks.
This is regarded as especially suspicious since the FJP believes Egypt has many mismanaged or altogether untapped sources of income, which the government can use before resorting to external borrowing, from the World Bank or any other source.
The FJP holds that it is totally unfair to bequeath to future generations financial and other burdens they had no hand in creating.
Meanwhile, the FJP further rejected the decision to re-produce a National Council for Women (NCW) and denounced the government’s insistence on ignoring the popular rejection of the NCW’s adoption of the same approach as it did under the former regime.
Egyptians believe that the original NCW, from the moment of its inception, set out to subvert, undermine and demolish the Egyptian family. The FJP has warned against any attempt to involve Egypt in any binding decisions or treaties carried out by the NCW during participation in meetings of the UN Commission on the Status of Women which may lead to more tension in the Egyptian street because of the dubious policies that created the NCW in the first place.