• FJP News
  • October 17, 2012
  • 3 minutes read

Freedom and Justice Party Invites Diplomatic and Human Rights Bodies to Chairmanship Election

Freedom and Justice Party Invites Diplomatic and Human Rights Bodies to Chairmanship Election

 The committee supervising internal elections at the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) sent out official invitations to a number of ambassadors and other public figures and civil society organizations to attend a meeting of the party’s General Assembly, on Friday morning.

That meeting will be dedicated to the election of a new FJP Chairman from candidates Dr. Essam El-Erian, acting head of the party; and Dr. Mohamed Saad Katatni, Speaker of the now-dissolved People’s Assembly (lower house of Egypt’s Parliament).

Meanwhile, FJP offices in Egypt’s provinces continue to receive Erian, who is touring the country along with members of the party’s General Assembly.

On Tuesday, Erian’s tour took him across Beheira and Alexandria governorates, after visits to Ismailia, Gharbiya and Menoufia.

On Wednesday and Thursday, satellite TV channel ‘Misr 25’ hosts a live debate between FJP chairmanship candidates Dr. Essam El-Erian and Dr. Saad Katatni – the first debate of its kind for an Egyptian political party ever.