- FJP News
- March 28, 2013
- 3 minutes read
Gamal Heshmat: Muslims of Myanmar Victims of Discrimination, Racism and Genocide

Dr. Gamal Heshmat, member of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP)’s National Committee and member of the Shura Council (upper house of Egypt’s parliament), said: "Myanmar’s Muslims suffer discrimination, racism and genocide in repeated daily tragedies that must awaken the conscience of the world to stop the ongoing mayhem and violence".
In a statement to Ikhwanweb, Dr. Heshmat wondered: "Why do some parties – certain world powers – not consider the tragedy of Muslims as they scrutinize most minority issues in the Muslim world? Where is the Muslims’ right to humanity and justice? Why do some people adopt double standards when considering the issue of Myanmar Muslims?"
Dr. Heshmat called upon international forums to adopt the cause of the Muslim minority in Myanmar in order to form an international opinion to pressure governments that violate human rights.
The FJP leader further called on the international community to consider all world tragedies equally, and not to ignore what is happening to Muslim minorities. He also called on Muslim countries to take all necessary action, and to threaten to halt all relations with those who violate the rights of Myanmar Muslims.
Lately, the circle of violence targeting Muslims in Myanmar has widened. Two mosques and dozens of homes have been destroyed. The death toll from the clashes that erupted Wednesday reached 40 people, which prompted the United States to simply warn its nationals from traveling to confrontations areas.