- MB NewsMilitary Tribunal
- July 14, 2007
- 2 minutes read
General Attorney Clark to Arrive Cairo for Military Tribunals
Ikhwanweb has been informed that Dr. Ramsey Clark, ex-Secretary of Justice and renowned US General Attorney, will arrive in Cairo in few hours to come as the legal counselor of the bar advocating MB civilians, referred to military tribunals due to a presidential decree on 6/2/2007.
Notably, the Egyptian Supreme Administrative Court, which is considered as Egypt’s court of last resort, has found legal irregularities in the case and called for instant release of the accused and their frozen money. Unfortunately, the Egyptian authorities did not honor the court’s verdict, as was done with the other three verdicts, and issued a writ referring them to military tribunals.
Dr. W. R. Clark is a well-known figure on the international level for the high-profile lawsuits he represents, as Slobodan’s and Saddam Hussein’s
Sir. Lawrence Joins the Bar
Sir. Ivan Lawrence, the veteran British MP and barrister, has expressed his will to call on Cairo to join the defense panel representing for the MB leaders and businessmen referred to military tribunals, after scrutinizing the action’s factual report. It’s expected that Sir. Ivan may not catch Sunday session, for he is to arrive in Cairo Sunday morning. His mission is to closely prime the case and meet the households of the militarily-tried MB leaders and businessmen.
Noteworthy, Sunday tribunal session will be dedicated for breaking of reserved documents, conceived by Military Prosecutor as valid conviction evidences.