- April 12, 2006
- 2 minutes read
Ghanoushi: Tunisian Regime Still Violating Human Rights

Many Analysts Expected that the release of some of the opposition Nahda Movement detainees Would lessen the tension in the Tunisian political life, but they were disappointed. The regime continued to violate human rights. The last of these violations was the dismissal of five students from the university of Safaqs under the pretext of their participation in staging a student demonstration in Matent against the offensive caricatures of the prophet Mohammed peace he upin him.
Sheikh Rashid Ghanoushi, the Chairman of the opposition Tunisian Nahda Movement said in an exclusive statement to Ikhwanweb processions have taken place in many university centers in protest against the offensive caricatures.
These processions were peaceful and limited yet the police cruelty interfered and detained a member of students and five were dismissed from the university, among when was the sun of profound Monsif salem, profession of Mathematics and one of the most well-Kuown founders of the university of Sfaks. Profusion Nansif and his family began a food strike until the return of the dismissed students.
AL Ghanoushi said that it is hoped that the replies of the detainees will be a beginning of a new stage in the relation slip between the Tunisian regime and the Tunisian people; but reigns are getting worse, the prisoners are brutally treated and there is food strike in most poisons to call for the battement of living conditions inside the prisons.
Further more the Tunisian regime is launching an intensive campaign in the mass media to distort the image of movement those belonging to October 18 a leftist, Islamic and liberal opposition movement.