- MB News
- October 19, 2005
- 3 minutes read
Habeeb: Moslem Brotherhood Refused to Coordinate with NDP

Habeeb: Moslem Brotherhood Refused to Coordinate with NDP
Ikhwan online
Muhammad Habeeb, the first vice of the Supreme Guide of the Moslem Brotherhood, uncovered that the movement has refused the mediation of prominent leaders in the National Democratic Party to coordinate with the movement in the upcoming parliamentary election, scheduled on 9th Nov.
In an interview with el-Masry el-Yaom newspaper, published on Sunday 16th Oct., Habeeb said "the NDP is the origin of deterioration and retardation in Egypt. We will never cooperate with it as long as it does not improve itself."
Habeeb declined that the election list of the movement does not contain any Christian names because there is no favorite Christian candidate that deserves the support of the movement. "We suggested to appoint Dr. Rafiq Habeeb but he decline to access the parliament", Habeeb stated. "We want to communicate and coordinate with all powers. We have invited the Pope to the celebration of the collective Ramadan breakfast. But he did not send any Church representative, as he had done before", Habeeb added.
"The movement is able to defeat the NDP in the upcoming parliamentary election. The Moslem Brotherhood will win 70 seats in the parliament", he emphasized.