Habib:We Will Continue Backing Gaza People

Habib:We Will Continue Backing Gaza People

Dr. Mohamed Habib, the first deputy chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, lashed out at the security measures taken against Muslim Brotherhood members and Egyptian people who wanted to express their protest at the Israeli brutal attacks on Gaza Strip. Labeling the police actions as “shameful”, Dr. Habib added that the police dealt toughly and inhumanely with the Muslim Brotherhood members in protests organized at Ramsis square and main streets near it in downtown Cairo after Friday Prayer on Jan, 2nd, 2009.
“The security services have harshly beaten hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood members and arrested hundreds others, in addition to preventing thousands of them from reaching Ramsis Square . However, we would like to stress on the following points:
1- No one can deny Egypt “s historical and strategic roles towards Arabism and Islam, and particularly towards the Palestinian cause.
2- We insist on continuously taking to streets and carrying out public activities without being dragged to clashes with the security services .
3- We are keen on giving vent to our anger and to voice our condemnation towards what happens in Gaza Strip as much as we are assuredly keen on Egyptian security and stability, and want also that Egypt carries out its moral, humanitarian, legitimate and national role towards our brothers in Gaza Strip who face carnages and massacres under the Zionist military assault.
4- This barbaric aggression on Gaza Strip poses a threat the Arab national security and Egyptian national security .
5- The current-time duty is that Egypt and Arab countries practice pressure on the Zionist enemy to stops its aggression, that Egypt lifts the blockade on Gaza residents, open Rafah Crossing and allow drug and food aid convoys to enter the Strip, this is the minimum required.
6. People should continue voicing their anger and showing their solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip. This will pad them with more passion, stability and steadfastness while confronting the Zionist military machine”.
Cairo on:
5th Muharram 1430 Hijri
2nd January 2009 AD